Senin, 20 Desember 2010

TeMpaT BeLanJa MeNariK Di SinGapurA

Meskipun ukurannya kecil, Singapura menawarkan jauh lebih banyak daripada apa yang terlihat. Singapura yang selalu sibuk setiap jamnya dengan kehidupan kota adalah tempat menarik yang tak habis akan makanan, berbelanja, dan kehidupan malam. Ini bukanlah tempat yang asing. Orchard Road menjadi favorit penduduk setempat dan orang asing karena banyaknya pertokoan yang melayani berbagai kelompok konsumen. Daerah CBD sibuk karena mal-mal besarnya, restoran dan kafe seperti Suntec City dan Marina Square. Unearthing Asia mencari tempat belanja terbaru yang menarik, juga berbagai tempat tersembunyi yang memberikan pengalaman belanja khas Singapura.


Sejak membuka pintunya pada November tahun lalu, mal delapan lantai ini telah menjadi sangat populer di kalangan penduduk setempat, terutama dengan merek ritel favorit seperti Forever 21, Zara dan Cotton On di fasad pintu depannya. Forever 21 menguasai empat tingkat dan Zara memiliki tiga tingkat, keduanya membuat kaum Hawa bersemangat dengan koleksi pakaian mereka. Uni-Qlo dari Jepang dan toko musik populer HMV juga membuka cabang di sana, bersama merek populer lain seperti Esprit, Mango dan Lacoste. Terletak tepat di atas stasiun MRT Somerset, 313@Somerset juga memiliki tiga tingkat basement yang diisi restoran, bar dan tempat makanan ringan, menawarkan pilihan yang memenuhi keragaman selera. Tepat di samping 313@Somerset, Orchard Central merupakan tambahan bagi jajaran mal baru. Mal ini merupakan mal vertikal tertinggi di Singapura, bagi pembelanja yang ingin bergaya dengan merek-merek Eropa, dari lingerie bsc sampai tas DZ. Lampu menerangi fasad depan toko pada malam hari, sebuah pemandangan tersendiri yang pasti akan menarik perhatian orang banyak.


VivoCity tampil sebagai pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di Singapura yang menawarkan pengalaman holistik gaya hidup. Dengan bioskop multipleks terbesar, amphiteater di atap, lokasi yang dekat air dan gerbang ke Sentosa Island, VivoCity adalah tempat menyatunya gaya hidup, hiburan, ritel dan makanan internasional. Toko Gap pertama di wilayah Asia Tenggara buka di VivoCity, bersama dengan merek Eropa lain seperti Club Marc dan River Island. Keluarga dan anak-anak menghabiskan akhir pekan mereka di atas atap mal, menikmati percikan dari air, sedangkan stasiun monorel Sentosa Express penuh dengan penyuka pantai, siap menghabiskan hari di bawah terik matahari.

Haji Lane

Berpindah dari Orchard Road, Haji Lane menarik Anda dari hiruk-pikuk gaya belanja kosmopolitan menuju surga kecil yang terpencil tempat para hipster lokal dan fashionista berkumpul. Merek desainer lokal dan karya-karya seni berserakan di sepanjang jalur satu arah dengan ruko linier yang saling berhadapan, semuanya menyimpan desain unik karya perancang pemula. Sangat sering, ini adalah tempat inspirasi bagi mereka yang antikemapanan dan tempat belanja ideal bagi mereka yang mencari individualitas serta gaya. Dengan lebih dari 20 toko, Anda pasti akan menemukan harga karun di tempat favorit para mahasiswa seni lokal dan orang kreatif muda. Haji Lane membawa Anda kembali ke masa Singapura tempo dulu, menawarkan pengalaman belanja yang unik dengan suasana nostalgia. Banyak pasangan yang menjadikan tempat ini sebagai latar foto pranikah mereka.

Ann Siang Rd & Club St

Jika Anda tertarik akan mode terbaru, jangan lewatkan Ann Siang Road dan Club Street. Tempat perburuan kecil ini berada jauh ke dalam area Chinatown. Di sini anda akan menemukan berbagai merek lokal, seperti Asylum dan Style:Nordic. Dari luar, Anda akan merasakan eksotisme rumah toko dari masa sebelum perang yang dipertahankan demi daya tarik oriental masa lalu. Namun, jika Anda melangkah masuk toko, maka Anda akan melihat sebuah butik yang menawarkan kreasi dan desain lokal terbaik. Pengalaman belanja di sini sangat elegan dan penuh petualangan, perpaduan warisan tradisional China dengan penawaran gaya kontemporer.

Bugis Village

Bugis dikenal karena kesibukan manusianya dan lalu lintas padat tanpa akhir yang melaluinya. Menambah daftar kesibukan kawasan itu adalah Bugis Village, tempat berbelanja murah bagi penduduk lokal maupun turis. Dengan ratusan tenda kios di sepanjang ruko yang menjual pakaian, CD, jam tangan, tas dan aksesoris, Bugis Village bazaar belanja nomor satu di Singapura, di mana Anda dapat menemukan produk murah dan terjangkau. Kios-kios terpisah secara sempit, sehingga Anda harus lincah menyelip, aktivitas yang dapat menghidupkan pengalaman belanja. Ini adalah esensi Bugis Village - bising, lingkungan yang ramai oleh pembeli untuk melakukan tawar-menawar demi mendapatkan harga terbaik. Tidak jauh dari Bugis Village terdapat Iluma, pusat perbelanjaan sepuluh lantai yang baru saja dibuka dan tidak hanya fokus pada pengalaman belanja ritel, tetapi juga seni pertunjukan dan hiburan.

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AngKatAn DaRaT KoRseL MiLiki JenDeraL WaniTa PerTamA

Angkatan Darat Korea Selatan memiliki tentara wanita pertama yang berpangkat Jenderal pada Kamis ketika seorang tentara wanita menerima kenaikan pangkatnya, kata Kementerian Pertahanan Korsel.
Kolonel Angkatan Darat Song Myung-soon dari kesatuan Kepala Staf Gabungan dinaikkan pangkatnya menjadi Brigadir Jenderal, menurut kementerian itu.

Militer Korsel pernah memiliki lima Jenderal sejak 2001, namun semuanya berasal dari korps perawat.
"Selama bertahun-tahun banyak senior saya yang bekerja keras untuk peningkatan kekuatan wanita dan kini akan ada lebih banyak kesempatan bagi sekitar 5.000 prajurit wanita di militer," kata Song kepada wartawan.

"Saya rasa promosi kenaikan pangkat ini adalah penghargaan bagi wanita lain yang akan menempuh jalan menuju kesuksesan dan terhadap upaya keras mereka," katanya.
Song yang berusia 52 tahun pernah ditugaskan di Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat pada 1981 setelah ia lulus dari Universitas Yeungnam dengan gelar sarjana di ilmu politik dan hubungan internasional, ia juga memiliki gelar di bidang keamanan nasional dari Universitas Kyonggi.

Ia kemudian mengabdi sebagai komandan pasukan khusus dan komandan batalion di Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat serta pernah menjalani karir di Komando Pasukan Gabungan.
Wanita pertama yang menjadi perwira tinggi berpangkat jenderal di Korea Selatan adalah Brigjen Yang Seung-sook, mantan Kepala Akademi Keperawatan Angkatan Bersenjata yang naik pangkat pada 2001 hingga kemudian pensiun pada 2004.

"Masih banyak wilayah bagi wanita untuk melatih kemampuannya di zaman pertempuran modern saat ini," kata Song. "Saya percaya bahwa wanita berseragam tidak hanya memiliki peran di tanah airnya sendiri namun juga di luar negeri," katanya.
"Pergantian jabatan hari ini adalah titik balik di dunia militer, saya rasa militer akan lebih mempertimbangkan untuk mempekerjakan tentara wanita di posisi yang tepat untuk menciptakan sinergi," kata Song.

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SeRinG BeriStiRahaT BaHaYa BaGi WaniTa HamiL?


Merasa lelah dan berat membawa beban di perut memang kerap dikeluhkan para wanita yang tengah berbadan dua. Maka tak jarang kebanyakan dari mereka selalu ingin merebahkan diri di tempat tidur.
Namun studi baru yang dilakukan oleh seorang perawat mengungkapkan  bahwa terlalu banyak istirahat dan terlalu sering merebahkan diri di kasur ternyata berdampak negatif untuk wanita yang sedang hamil.
Judith Maloni, profesor di Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing dari Case Western Reserve University, mengatakan kajian komprehensif ini dilakukan berdasarkan 70 bukti penelitian yang telah dimuat dalam artikel yang mengungkap apakah istirahat sehat untuk ibu atau bayi.

Terlalu banyak istirahat bagi mereka yang tengah hamil berisiko menyebabkan terjadinya kontraksi dini dan masalah kehamilan lainnya seperti tekanan darah tinggi, potensi pembekuan darah atau perdarahan, yang mungkin bisa dialami dalam beberapa hari atau beberapa bulan.
"Seiring waktu, yang tersisa dalam posisi istirahat dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya tulang dan atrofi otot," kata Maloni seperti dikutip dari Times of India.
Tak hanya itu, jika ibu hamil kurang beraktifitas dan lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan santai di tempat tidur selama hampir 24 jam sehari, juga berisiko memicu depresi, dan hal ini dikhawatirkan bisa menyebabkan kontraksi dini yang bisa mengakibatkan terjadinya kelahiran bayi prematur.

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KedUa PeLatiH SamA-saMa MengeLuh StaDioN BiSinG

Pelatih tim nasional (timnas) Indonesia Alfred Riedl dan pelatih tim Filipina Simon McMenemy sama-sama mengeluhkan suara bising yang ditimbulkan oleh penonton pada laga pertama semifinal di ajang Piala AFF 2010, Kamis (16/12) malam. "Suara bising dari penonton menyulitkan pemain berkomunikasi. Itulah sebabnya maka kiper Markus Horison dan Maman Abdurachman sempat salah paham saat mendapatkan serangan dari lawan," ujar Riedl seusai pertandingan.

Leg pertama semifinal di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta tersebut dihadiri lebih dari 70 ribu penonton sebagaimana diumumkan panitia penyelenggara. Sorak sorai disertai bunyi terompet memang membuat bising meski hal itu oleh kedua pelatih tetap hal wajar sebagai ekspresi dari dukungan yang diberikan penonton.

Simon McMenemy mengeluhkan hal serupa sehingga ia sendiri mendapat peringatan dari wasit Moradi Masoud Hasanalo dari Iran. Terutama, ketika ia berteriak-teriak memberikan instruksi dari sisi lapangan. "Suara bising itu sangat mengganggu komunikasi, tidak hanya saya, tapi juga antar pemain. Tidak mungkin saya berteriak pelan karena tak bisa didengar oleh pemain," ujar McMenemy.

Mengenai hasil kemenangan 1-0 yang dicapai timnas Indonesia, Alfred Riedl memandang sebagai modal positif untuk menghadapi laga kedua pada 19 Desember nanti. Diingatkannya, kemenangan itu adalah kemenangan Indonesia saat bermain di kandang lawan [baca: El Loco Perlebar Peluang Indonesia].

"Kemenangan ini sangat bagus karena dihitung sebagai kemenangan di kandang lawan, tapi kita belum sampai ke final. Kemenangan pada laga pertama memang sangat penting dan kemenangan ini dicapai karena para pemain kita jauh lebih aktif bermain," ujarnya.
Riedl mengakui postur pemain lawan (Filipina) jauh lebih baik dibanding pemain tim asuhannya sehingga agak kesulitan melakukan terobosan-terobosan dengan umpan panjang sehingga ia lebih banyak menginstruksikan menyerang dengan umpan-umpan pendek. Riedl juga mengakui di babak kedua tempo permainan agak menurun, namun ia membantah dikatakan para pemainnya bermasalah dengan stamina.
"Tempo permainan di babak kedua memang menurun, tapi kondisi fisik pemain tetap bugar. Kami lihat pemain Filipina juga menurunkan temponya, itu karena sama-sama kesulitan menembus gawang lawan," papar pelatih asal Austria itu. Menghadapi leg kedua saat Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah di tempat yang sama, Riedl tetap akan berupaya menciptakan kemenangan.

Sebaliknya, McMenemy mengaku masih yakin bisa memenangkan leg kedua. "Seperti kami katakan sebelumnya, pertandingan ini memang sulit bagi kami karena Indonesia memiliki semangat juang yang tinggi. Masih ada beberapa kesalahan yang harus kami perbaiki dan banyak kans yang kami dapat sehingga kami tetap optimis bisa memenangkan laga kedua nanti," ujarnya.

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Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

UI MaSuK 15 BeSaR KamPuS TeRhijAu DuniA

Kampus Universitas Indonesia di Depok, Jawa Barat, menduduki peringkat ke-15 (skor 6,875) Kampus Hijau Terbaik di dunia. Prestasi ini jelas membanggakan civitas akademika UI. Sebab, UI menjadi satu-satunya perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang mampu menempati posisi 15 besar dari 95 perguruan tinggi di dunia yang masuk dalam pemeringkatan tersebut. Demikian rilis Kepala Kantor Komunikasi UI Vishnyu Juwono yang diterima, Kamis (16/12). Peringkat pertama diduduki Universitas California, Barkeley, Amerika Serikat (skor 8,213). Adapun posisi kedua diraih Universitas Nottingham, Inggris (skor 8,201) dan Universitas Northeastern, AS (skor 7,909) berada di urutan ketiga. Ini berdasarkan hasil riset dan survei yang dihimpun secara online oleh tim UI Green Metric kepada ribuan perguruan tinggi di dunia, pada Mei hingga November 2010.
Untuk diketahui, UI kembali melakukan inovasi di bidang lingkungan hidup dengan menyusun daftar pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi di dunia berdasarkan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kampus, yaitu UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities 2010. UI Green Metric adalah pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi yang pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia dengan menggunakan komitmen pengembangan infrastruktur kampus ramah lingkungan sebagai indikatornya.

UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities 2010 secara resmi dikeluarkan pada 16 Desember 2010. Pemeringkatan ini menggunakan indikator pengembangan infrastruktur perguruan tinggi di dunia yang berorientasi pada kelestarian lingkungan hidup (kehijauan kampus), pemanfaatan ruang, efisiensi energi, penggunaan air, pengolahan limbah, dan sistem transportasi yang ramah lingkungan.
Rektor UI Prof. Dr. der Soz Gumilar R. Somantri mengatakan bahwa perguruan tinggi sebagai garda terdepan dalam menghasilkan generasi pemimpin masa depan memiliki tanggung jawab khusus untuk memimpin jalan dalam menangani masalah yang sangat nyata terkait krisis energi dan pemanasan global. Misalnya, perubahan iklim dan cuaca ekstrem, peningkatan permukaan air laut, kekurangan air, tekanan pada produksi pertanian dan perpindahan penduduk.

Melalui hasil pemeringkatan ini (UI Green Metric), menurut sang rektor, UI berharap dapat membantu masyarakat dunia dalam meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan dan membantu untuk membawa perubahan pola hidup masyarakat dunia dalam menggunakan energi dan sumber daya alam yang semakin terbatas.
Adapun metodologi yang digunakan dalam pemeringkatan UI Green Metric, yaitu berdasarkan definisi parameter pengukuran kampus hijau yang dilandasi oleh tiga filosofi dasar, yakni enviroment, economic, dan equity (3Es). Bobot masing-masing indikator penilaian terdiri dari Statistik Kehijauan Kampus (24 persen), Pengelolaan Sampah (15 persen), Energi dan Perubahan Iklim (28 persen), Penggunaan Air (15 persen), dan Transportasi (24 persen).

Penentuan kriteria pemeringkatan ini juga didasari pada komitmen perguruan tinggi dalam mengembangkan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang ramah lingkungan. Baik dari segi kebijakan dan pengembangan infrastruktur kampus, profil perguruan tinggi dan profil zonasi lokasi perguruan tinggi tersebut (apakah berada di wilayah perkotaan, pinggiran kota, dan pedesaan), serta dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana perguruan tinggi tersebut memberdayakan energi, sumber daya alam, pengelolaan limbah secara tepat guna. Setelah memperoleh kriteria mendasar, penilaian dari tiap kampus kemudian dikonversikan dalam bentuk angka yang kemudian akan dijadikan skor final bagi tiap kampus.

Setelah sukses mencanangkan program Bike to Campus dan pembangunan perpustakaan dengan konsep Green Sustainable Development di lingkungan Kampus UI, dan relokasi pohon raksasa african baobab sebagai objek kegiatan riset, maka UI Green Metric merupakan bentuk kontribusi UI dalam memberikan referensi yang berkualitas dan komprehensif terkait pengembangan sistem infrastruktur kampus di dunia yang ramah lingkungan. Adapun Beberapa pemeringkatan yang sudah dipublikasikan, seperti THES, QS, Webometrics, Shanghai Jiao Tong dan HEEACT telah menjadi sumber referensi pengembangan kualitas perguruan tinggi kelas dunia.

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FasTer ThaN 200 MPH

Whether you're behind the wheel of an outrageous sports car this holiday season or, like most of us, find yourself sprinting to find the shortest check-out aisle, chances are good you'll come to appreciate the importance of having the quickest top speed. Like little kids drawn to a toy store's display window, car enthusiasts of all ages are always drawn to the sparkling sheet metal and snarling engines of the world's fastest cars.

For this first round of flat-out speed demons, we've drawn up a list of the six fastest cars sold in North America. The rules are few, which seems only right when discussing cars built to breach 200 mph. All have to be street-legal, sold in the U.S., and available from a mainstream manufacturer. This meant excluding some pretty amazing vehicles, like the Hennessey Venom GT and Callaway SC606, along with exciting upstarts like the German-built Gumpert Apollo supercar. We'll get to these, and more, in a future story.

Choosing a winner was easy, since nothing short of a jet fighter delivers the performance of the top-speed champion in this list. Yet, more amazing is the fact that almost all the cars listed could be driven on a daily basis ñ even if doing so would probably make you the most generous contributor to your local Police Athletic League.

2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport - 268 mph

Bugatti Veyron
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport
You can do a lot of things with $10,075. But if you want to own the $2.7 million Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, currently the fastest car in the world, that's about the price you'll pay for every mile-per-hour the car is capable of. The Veyron's astounding price tag is matched only by its outrageous top speed, a fully-documented and verified 268 mph. The 1,200-hp French-built Bugatti set the new standard in supercar bragging rights last summer, at the sprawling Ehra-Lessien test facility owned by the firm's parent company, Volkswagen. The Veyron Super Sport features larger turbochargers and intercoolers fitted to the quad-turbo W-16 engine. Additional bracing, extra cooling ducts and special aerodynamics are fitted to the Super Sport, so that safety and stability are not sacrificed for top speed.

2011 Ferrari 599 GTO - 208 mph

Ferrari 599GTO
Ferrari 599GTO
Any Ferrari is special, but not all can exceed 208 mph - and even fewer wear the brand's fabled GTO badge. The name was made famous by the original and stunningly beautiful 250 GTO, built from 1962-1964. When one comes up for auction, an original GTO is guaranteed to sell for millions of dollars. So consider the $450,000 you'll pay for the new 2011 Ferrari 599GTO a veritable bargain - at least compared to its classic predecessor. The new model's 661-hp 6-liter V-12 makes the 599 GTO the most powerful road-going Ferrari ever. Give it enough open road and the 599 GTO should exceed 208 mph, according to Ferrari. Being an Italian supercar, it looks quick even when standing still. Based on the 599 GTB, the GTO is 220 pounds lighter, thanks to the use of lightweight materials, including thinner glass than the standard car.

2011 Porsche 911 GT2 RS - 205 mph

Porsche 911 GT2 RS
Porsche 911 GT2 RS
There is a reason Porsche has kept itself busy for nearly five decades refining the 911 sports car. Each new model is packed with more performance, and the latest pinnacle is this, the 911 GT2 RS. This is the most powerful road-going Porsche ever built. The 620-hp 3.6-liter twin-turbo flat-6 engine has variable turbine geometry (VTG) and sends all of its power to the rear wheels. Forget the four-wheel-drive safety net of the 911 Turbo, the GT2 RS is as close as you can get to a racing Porsche that can be also used for a dash to the local mall. According to Porsche's statistics, which are routinely on the conservative side, the GT2 RS can sprint from zero to 60 mph in 3.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 205 mph. You better move fast, since only 135 copies of the GT2 RS, priced at $245,000, are headed to the U.S.

2011 Corvette ZR1 - 205 mph

Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
The $110,750 Corvette ZR1 is the cheapest way to break into the 200-mph club. In the case of this snarling Chevy coupe, that would be an official top speed of 205 mph. Don't be fooled by an exterior that appears similar to the standard 430-hp Corvette. Under the ZR1's skin beats the heart of a 638-hp supercharged 6.2-liter V-8. The wild motor is visible to passersby, thanks to a clear hood scoop that announces exactly how potent this 'Vette truly is. The cabin is also a quantum leap forward from the plasticky Corvette interiors of a generation or two ago. It might lack some of the hand-craftsmanship of the other vehicles here, but the ZR1 has a sticker price that is less than half that of the competition; a fact that more than makes up for any lack of mahogany paneling or titanium switch knobs. The ZR1's trunk will even hold a week's worth of luggage.

2011 Bentley Continental Supersports - 204mph

Bentley Continental Supersports
Bentley Continental Supersports
The Bentley Continental Supersports is four-wheeled proof that refinement and luxury can go hand-in-hand with crushing performance. Despite weighing more than 5,000 pounds, and having a cabin that looks like it belongs in a Gulfstream business jet, the Continental Supersports can reach 204 mph. Credit the 621-hp turbocharged W-12 engine, which shares some of its mechanical lineage to the monster motor found in the Bugatti Veyron (both Bentley and Bugatti are owned by Volkswagen). The Bentley Continental Supersports is, you guessed it, the most powerful Bentley ever produced. Driven sedately, the Continental wafts along in unsurpassed quiet and comfort. Push the gas pedal, and the acceleration knocks you back and deep into the car's hand-stitched leather seats. Permanent four-wheel-drive helps keep all this power under control, as does agile steering and a suspension that can be tuned to favor either comfort or sporty driving.

2011 Lexus LFA - 202 mph

Lexus LFA
Lexus LFA
Lexus doesn't exactly spring to mind when thinking about incredible performance and jaw-dropping looks. We all know the Japanese brand can build high quality luxury vehicles of all shapes and sizes. But can Lexus actually take the fight to exotic cars? The Lexus LFA is the answer; and the result is a 202-mph supercar that looks like it jumped directly out of a video game. There is nothing subtle about the LFA, and not many soft edges to be found anywhere on the hyper-aggressive 2-door body. To keep weight down, the car is made out of three different types of lightweight carbon fiber. Not that the 560-bhp 4.8-liter V-10 engine mounted up front needs any extra help hurling the LFA down the road. Priced at $375,000, you could buy 11 Lexus IS sedans for the price of one LFA - and still have some cash left. Yet with only 500 scheduled to be built, the rarity and performance of the LFA ensure it legendary status amongst the sports car elite.

And for those who really don't like to wait...

The status that comes with owning one of the world's fastest cars isn't limited to only brand-new models. Just because you're lucky enough to afford one of the world's fastest exotic cars doesn't necessarily mean you'll manage to put one in your garage. Most of the cars on this list were sold out as soon as they were announced, usually in hushed tones, to well-heeled buyers. However, recently discontinued supercars, like the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren and Lamborghini LP670 SV, might no longer be brand new, but still look phenomenal and easily exceed the 200-mph mark. The SLR McLaren can hit 207 mph, while the Lamborghini touches 209 mph.

Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren & Ferrari Enzo

Opting for a gently-used Ferrari Enzo, which is capable of 218 mph, versus the 599 GTO also doesn't strike us as much of a sacrifice. Produced from 2002 to 2004, the Enzo was Ferrari's flagship supercar. The same holds true for the Porsche Carrera GT, a carbon-fiber masterpiece produced from 2004 to 2006. This super-Porsche could hit 205 mph. Yet for many purists, nothing can top the McLaren F1. With seating for three (the driver sits in the middle of the car) the McLaren F1 is capable of 231 mph - with the rev limiter in place, of course. For many, the F1 remains the supercar to beat even if the Bugatti has since captured the title for world's fastest car.

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AmaZinG SpecTacLe: TotaL LunAr EcLipSe MonDaY NighT

For a few hours on the night of Dec. 20 to Dec. 21, the attention of tens of millions of people will be drawn skyward, where the mottled, coppery globe of our moon will hang completely immersed in the long, tapering cone of shadow cast out into space by our Earth. If the weather is clear, favorably placed skywatchers will have a view of one of nature's most beautiful spectacles: a total eclipse of the moon.
Unlike a total eclipse of the sun, which is only visible to those in the path of totality, eclipses of the moon can usually be observed from one's own backyard. The passage of the moon through the Earth's shadow is equally visible from all places within the hemisphere where the moon is above the horizon.
The total phase of the upcoming event will be visible across all of North and South America, as well as the northern and western part of Europe, and a small part of northeast Asia, including Korea and much of Japan. Totality will also be visible in its entirety from the North Island of New Zealand and Hawaii — a potential viewing audience of about 1.5 billion people.  This will be the first opportunity from any place on earth to see the moon undergo a total eclipse in 34 months. [Amazing photos of a total lunar eclipse]
This star chart shows where in the sky the upcoming lunar eclipse will appear. And check this NASA lunar eclipse chart to see how visible the eclipse will be from different regions around the world.
Stages of the eclipse
There is nothing complicated about viewing this celestial spectacle.  Unlike an eclipse of the sun, which necessitates special viewing precautions in order to avoid eye damage, an eclipse of the moon is perfectly safe to watch. All you'll need to watch are your eyes, but binoculars or a telescope will give a much nicer view.
The eclipse will actually begin when the moon enters the faint outer portion, or penumbra, of the Earth's shadow a little over an hour before it begins moving into the umbra. The penumbra, however, is all but invisible to the eye until the moon becomes deeply immersed in it. Sharp-eyed viewers may get their first glimpse of the penumbra as a faint smudge on the left part of the moon's disk at or around 6:15 UT (on Dec. 21) which corresponds to 1:15 a.m. Eastern Time or 10:15 p.m. Pacific Time (on Dec. 20).
The most noticeable part of this eclipse will come when the moon begins to enter the Earth's dark inner shadow (called the umbra).  A small scallop of darkness will begin to appear on the moon's left edge at 6:33 UT (on Dec. 21) corresponding to 1:33 a.m. EST or 10:33 p.m. PST (on Dec. 20).
The moon is expected to take 3 hours and 28 minutes to pass completely through the umbra.
The total phase of the eclipse will last 72 minutes beginning at 7:41 UT (on Dec. 21), corresponding to 2:41 a.m. EST or 11:41 p.m. PST (on Dec. 20).
At the moment of mid-totality (8:17 UT/3:17 a.m. EST/12:17 a.m. PST), the moon will stand directly overhead from a point in the North Pacific Ocean about 800 miles (1,300 km) west of La Paz, Mexico.
The moon will pass entirely out of the Earth's umbra at 10:01 UT/5:01 a.m. EST/2:01 a.m. PST and the last evidence of the penumbra should vanish about 15 or 20 minutes later.
Color and brightness in question
During totality, although the moon will be entirely immersed in the Earth's shadow, it likely will not disappear from sight.  Rather, it should appear to turn a coppery red color, a change caused by the Earth's atmosphere bending or refracting sunlight into the shadow.
Since the Earth's shadow is cone-shaped and extends out into space for about 844,000 miles (1,358,000 km), sunlight will be strained through a sort of "double sunset," all around the rim of the Earth, into its shadow and then onto the moon.
However, because of the recent eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano last spring and the Merapi volcano in Indonesia in October, one and possibly even two clouds of ash and dust might be floating high above the Earth.  As a result, the moon may appear darker than usual during this eclipse; during totality, parts of the moon might even become black and invisible.
A careful description of the colors seen on the totally eclipsed moon and their changes is valuable.  The hues depend on the optical equipment used, usually appearing more vivid with the naked eye than in telescopes.  The French astronomer Andre-Louis Danjon introduced the following five-point scale of lunar luminosity ("L") to classify eclipses:
L = 0:  Very dark eclipse, moon almost invisible, especially in mid-totality.
L = 1:  Dark eclipse, gray or brownish coloration, details distinguishable only with difficulty.
L = 2:   Deep red or rust-colored eclipse, with a very dark central part in the shadow, and outer edge of the umbra relatively bright.
L = 3:   Brick red eclipse, usually with a bright or yellow rim to the shadow.
L = 4: Very bright copper-red or orange eclipse, with a bluish very bright shadow rim.
Examine the moon at mid-totality and also near the beginning and end of totality to get an impression of both the inner and outer umbra.  In noting an L observation, state the time and optical means (naked eye, binoculars or telescope) that is used.  We invite readers to e-mail their Danjon estimate for this eclipse (along with any pictures they'd like to share) to 
At mid-totality, from rural locations far from city lights, the darkness of the sky is impressive.  Faint stars and the Milky Way will appear, and the surrounding landscape will take on a somber hue.  As totality ends, the eastern edge of the moon begins to emerge from the umbra, and the sequence of events repeats in reverse order until the spectacle is over.
Fringe effects
Interestingly, from most of New Zealand, a slice of northeast Australia, Papua, New Guinea, southwest Japan and Korea, the moon will rise during totality on the evening of Dec. 21. Because of low altitude and bright evening twilight, observers in these locations may not see much of the moon at all until it begins to emerge from out of the Earth's shadow. 
Conversely, much of the United Kingdom and parts of western and northern Europe will see the moon set during totality on the morning of Dec. 21. Because of low altitude and bright morning twilight, observers in these locations may not see much of the moon at all after it slips completely into the Earth's shadow.
Past and future
The last total lunar eclipse occurred on Feb. 20 to Feb. 21, 2008 and was visible from most of the Americas, as well as Europe, much of Africa and western Asia. In 2011, there will be two total lunar eclipses.  The first, on June 15, will be visible primarily from the Eastern Hemisphere and will have an unusually long duration of totality lasting one hour and 40 minutes.
Another total lunar eclipse will occur on Dec. 10 and will be visible over the western half of North America before moonset.  For the next total lunar eclipse that will be visible across all of North America, we must wait until April 14 to April 15, 2014.

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KanYe, DiDDy, LiL WaYne, PharreLL's MuLti-MiLLion-DoLLar HoMeS

If you had a $14 million budget for a real estate purchase, how would you spend it? If you live a hip-hop lifestyle, you might first consider how rap luminaries Pharrell Williams, Sean "Diddy" Combs, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West have spent their riches.
This week's photos of Williams' Miami high-rise prompted Curbed National to do a wrap-up of some of the year's news making hip-hop cribs. 

IT PAYS TO BE A N.E.R.D. Considering N.E.R.D. frontman Pharrell Williams is known for his colorful Ice Cream brand outfits, it makes sense that his Miami penthouse also has a playful decor. He has a painting of "Family Guy" character Stewie, as well as oversized cartoon figures and a Perspective chair (which he designed) with human-like legs, toes, and all. But these are just the accessories. The massive $14 million abode, photographed by Todd Selby, has an arrowhead-shaped pool, spiral staircase, and view of the coastal shore. It is definitely fit for the head of an entity called the Billionaire Boys Club. (See more pictures at The Selby.)

KANYE'S BEAUTIFUL FANTASY COMES TRUE Kanye West also displayed cartoon elements in the decorations of a Hollywood apartment he put up for sale last spring for $4 million, New York Magazine reported. The room photographed is lined with Jetsons art, and, like the futuristic cartoon, is heavy on the remote-controlled features. But West did not let the designers finish the place without adorning the dining room ceiling with a depiction of himself as an angel.

WHEN DIDDY'S NOT ON THE LAST TRAIN TO PARIS Sean "Diddy" Combs opted for a sleeker and more serious feel for a lounging area of his newest New York City property. Designed by Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz, the clean, modern look relied on neutral colors -- silver, smoke, cream, and glass -- mirrored tables and vases.

LIL WAYNE'S YOUNG MONEY GOES A LONG WAY Surprisingly, animated hip-hop superstar Lil Wayne has the most conservative design for his home. Like Diddy, Wayne used a light palette in one of the rooms. One of the most striking features of the $14 million home located in La Gorce Island, Miami Beach is a wall lined with floor-to-ceiling windows. Click here to see more photos in Business Insider.

AN APARTMENT FOR THE COMMON MAN If you live in Chicago and aspire to live like a rapper but don't quite have the budget, you might one day be able to rent one of Common's high-rise apartments. One of the Coldwell Banker listings, a two-bedroom, 1,200 square foot home, was recently available for rent for $2,200 per month. That's a good deal, considering that it comes with granite countertops in the kitchen, stainless steel appliances, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a view of a museum.

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WorLd's BesT NeW BoutiQuE HoTeLs

Hotel Boca Chica
We scoured the globe for the 20 best new boutique hotels. You'll meet the owners; you'll kick back on your own private balcony; you'll eat homemade granola each morning; you'll never want to leave.

Acapulco, Mexico

Hotel Boca Chica
Long before Cancún or Cabo, Acapulco was the king of Mexican resort towns—and the Hotel Boca Chica was its crown jewel, drawing everyone from Elvis to the Rat Pack. Now, after a three-year remodel, the Boca Chica has regained its former sparkle. The 36 rooms are lacquered white and flooded with light, and all have private balconies. Meanwhile, old Hollywood touches throughout—like lamps made from conch shells and latticed brickwork—serve as ever-present reminders of its storied past., from $95.

Adams, Massachusetts

Topia Inn
When owners Nana Simopoulos and Caryn Heilman set out to restore a 19th-century brick boardinghouse in the Berkshires, they didn't just strive for eco-conscious design—it was more like eco-perfection. Nearly everything in the eight-room Topia Inn is organic, from the breakfast of banana bread, spinach quiche, and fair-trade coffee to the plush mattresses made of chemical-free cotton. Even the walls are plastered with bright, earth-friendly clay, which makes them cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter, and inviting all year long., from $125.

Uvita, Costa Rica

Oxygen Jungle Villas
The 12 cabins at Oxygen Jungle Villas were constructed with a singular goal: to make you feel like you're the only person for miles. Blissfully isolated among barriers of tropical plants and vines, the one-bedroom villas come off like Swiss Family Robinson tree houses. Each has a private sun-deck, a sharply angled roof, and glass walls to maximize views of the Pacific Ocean a mile away. And considering the adults-only hotel never takes more than 24 guests at a time, it's hardly a stretch to believe the jungle is yours and yours alone., from $139.

Brussels, Belgium

The Pantone Hotel
What's so weird about this pint-size property in Sweden? At first glance, the one-room hotel appears to be a cheery red house in the middle of the lake—yes, it's in the middle of a body of water but how strange is that, really? Don't be fooled: The room isn't actually in the house; it's 10 feet underwater. It's also the only functioning underwater hotel that started out as an art installation. Designed by artist Mikael Genberg, the 10-year-old inn's sole room consists of two twin beds with panoramic windows on all sides. There is no electricity, but there is lighting and a portable gas heater. When ready to come up for air, guests can relax on the deck or take the dinghy out to one of the nearby uninhabited islands.

Prague, Czech Republic

The Mosaic House
Part stylish hotel, part traditional hostel, the Mosaic House is an experience all its own. Inside the six-story 1935 building, guests can opt for one of 64 private rooms (from $26) or one of 30 shared spaces—for nearly half the cost (from $15). While the atmosphere skews toward the casual (think board games and beanbag chairs in the lounge), the decor is more upscale: Each room is done up in chocolate brown, burgundy, and gold, and is accented with quirky touches like closet rods made of tree branches and tables fashioned from salvaged-wood beams., from $15.

Cornwall, U.K.

The Nearwater
Cornwall's rugged cliffs, manicured gardens, and 300-plus public beaches have drawn British vacationers since the 1800s. Now the seaside retreat, four and a half hours west of London, has one more draw to add to the list: the Nearwater. At this whitewashed B&B in the town of St. Mawes, owners Tim and Amelia Whitaker have transformed a simple home into one of the area's sweetest small hotels. Bamboo floors, Danish teak furniture, and a mirror made from driftwood give Nearwater a light, nautical look, while the three rooms' beds are covered in sailor-striped wool blankets. Added to that, Amelia's homemade granola and pancakes are the perfect start to a day spent taking one of Tim's famous guided walks along the coast., from $131 with breakfast.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ma Maison
The last thing you'd expect to find in Vietnam's hyper-kinetic capital is a tranquil French retreat, but such is the pleasant surprise of Ma Maison. Run by Natasha Long, a Saigon local, the inn is housed in a 70-year-old colonial villa remodeled to evoke French country life. Walls are painted in soft yellows and greens, while the 12 rooms have blond-wood beds and desks with gold-leaf details. The hotel's bistro completes the vibe, with a menu full of French fare such as braised chicken with mushrooms. Add to that thoughtful touches like the complimentary mobile phones with free local service and an affable cat, Mr. Sushi, and you'll be feeling like family in no time., from $70 with breakfast. 20. Siem Reap, Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Sojourn Boutique Villas
TThe Sojourn Boutique Villas is the rare resort that soothes your body and soul all at once. The 10 red-and-white bungalows are just a few miles from the iconic temples of Angkor, so guests can spend their days wandering among 12th-century Buddhist ruins and their evenings soaking in the palm-tree-fringed saltwater pool. All that relaxing comes with the peace of mind that Sojourn donates a portion of its proceeds to clean-water initiatives and English lessons for residents of the nearby Treak Village., from $100 with breakfast.

Granada, Nicaragua

Hotel Spa Granada
It's one thing to stay in the heart of a Spanish colonial city—and quite another to stay in a Spanish-colonial mansion. Located smack in the middle of Granada's historic district, the sprawling 19th-century Hotel Spa Granada has five garden courtyards, a lagoon-like swimming pool in the center, and 15 expansive guest rooms (some with ceilings as high as 18 feet) that are decorated with handicrafts from a local artisan. A free spa treatment is included with every night of your stay, but the rates are so shockingly affordable—a 60-minute massage is $20, an aloe facial is $10—that a full day of pampering hardly qualifies as a splurge., from $49 with breakfast.

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            Geraldine Campbell, Kendell Cronstrom, Elaine Glusac, Naomi Lindt, and Mario López-Cordero

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

15 PersEn TiKeT InDoNesiA-FiLipiNa SudaH TerJuaL

Tiket laga AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 antara Indonesia dan Filipina sudah terjual sekitar 15 persen pada hari pertama pemesanan tiket di Senayan Jakarta, Senin.
"Tiket yang yang sudah dipesan sekitar 15 persen atau senilai Rp1 miliar," kata Direktur Pemasaran PSSI yang juga panpel lokal LOC Edhi Prasetyo di Jakarta, Senin.

Penjualan tiket pada hari pertama itu langsung diserbu ribuan calon penonton untuk pertandingan semifinal pertama pada Kamis (16/12) di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Jakarta.
Animo calon pembeli tiket ini terlihat di loket pemesanan tiket yang disediakan oleh LOC, yakni di pintu X Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK) Senayan.
Mereka harus rela antre sejak pukul 10.00 WIB dan hanya dilayani oleh enam petugas. Antrean calon pembeli tiket itu hingga 100 meter.

"Kami akan menambah petugas pelayanan di loket tiket," katanya.
LOC AFF Suzuki Cup di Jakarta untuk laga ini menyediakan 70 ribu lembar tiket.
Harga resmi tiket adalah Rp500 ribu untuk kategori VVIP dan tiket termurah Rp 50.000, yakni untuk menonton dari tribun paling atas. Harga tiket tribun atas ini tidak berubah sejak babak penyisihan grup.
Disinggung adanya kenaikan tiket untuk kelas lainnya, menurut Ketua Panpel Lokal (LOC) Joko Driyono, "Kenaikan harga tiket ini bukan semata-mata untuk mencari keuntungan, tapi untuk memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik. Saya pikir itu normal."

Ia menegaskan pihaknya juga melakukan rapat dengan AFF berkaitan soal tiket dengan adanya permintaan pembagian tiket dari Filipina. "Kami baru mendengar dari media. Kami akan membahasnya dengan pihak AFF," katanya.
Sementara rombongan timnas Filipina dijadwalkan tiba di Jakarta, Selasa.

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IngiN CeGaH PaSanGan SeLingkUh? Ini CaRanYa!


Tidak semua kasus perselingkuhan dalam rumah tangga didasari oleh dorongan ketidakpuasan dalam kehidupan seksual. Soalnya, tidak sedikit pula suami berselingkuh, karena dia tidak mendapat perhatian dan apresiasi dari sang istri.
Ingin mencegah pasangan berpaling ke wanita lain? Sekarang, yang terpenting adalah bagaimana Anda menjaga keharmonisan rumah tangga. Untuk membantu Anda menjaga keutuhan perkawinan dan terbebas dari kasus selingkuh, ini caranya, seperti dikutip dari She Knows:

- Limpahkan perhatian
Perhatian sekecil apapun dari Anda, itu sangat berarti untuk suami. Misalnya, menyapa dengan hangat, senyuman, memeluk saat dia baru pulang kerja, memberi hadiah kecil, bahkan sedikit bermanja-manja juga bisa mencegah pasangan berpaling ke wanita lain.
Terkadang, orang yang telah lama berumah tangga melupakan bentuk perhatian-perhatian kecil semacam itu. Mungkin karena kesibukan lain. Jadi, mulai sekarang tunjukkan atensi Anda pada pasangan. Percayalah, ini akan membuat hubungan tetap harmonis.

- Apresiasi
Memberi apresiasi terhadap hal-hal kecil yang dia lakukan juga penting artinya. Misalnya, sampaikan rasa terima kasih saat suami melakukan sesuatu yang membuat Anda bahagia di rumah. Atau, puji dia ketika melakukan hal-hal yang sebenarnya rutin. Seperti, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, membuatkan Anda secangkir kopi, dan lain sebagainya.
Selain itu, berikan semangat kepadanya ketika dia sedang tertekan banyaknya pekerjaan. Apresiasi juga dapat Anda berikan terkait hobi dan rencana-rencana hidupnya. Apresiasi akan mengingatkan dia tentang betapa Anda dan anak-anak menyayanginya.
Tentu saja, Anda dan pasangan juga harus menjaga komunikasi. Jangan sampai kehilangan komunikasi karena akan membuat hubungan hambar.

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FacebOOk DiTawAr Rp 135 TriLiUn, ZucKerBerG BaLaS NawAr MicroSofT

Dulu banyak orang mengira Mark Zuckerberg gila ketika ia menolak tawaran akuisisi Yahoo atas situs jejaring sosial buatannya Facebook dengan harga US$ 1 miliar. Tapi nyatanya, walau tawaran sudah dilipatgandakan, Mark tetap menolak.
Pada 2007 lalu Microsoft memberikan tawaran akuisisi US$ 15 miliar atau sekitar Rp 135 triliun, tapi tetap ditolak. Informasi ini terungkap pada konferensi pers pada konferensi web di Paris dengan judul "How to get acquired".

Senior Direktur Strategi dan Akuisisi Microsoft, Fritz Lanman, menegaskan bahwa Microsoft sudah berusaha untuk mengakuisi Facebook. "Ya kami mencoba untuk akuisisi, Facebook memiliki banyak kesamaan," kata dia.

Maka CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer mendekati Mark Zuckerberg dan menawarkan US$ 15 miliar. Zuckerberg dilaporkan membalas Ballmer dengan mengatakan, "Mengapa bukan kami yang membeli perusahaan anda sebesar US$ 15 miliar?"
Usai penolakan tersebut, Microsoft membuat investasi US$ 240 juta (Rp 2,16 triliun) ke Facebook untuk kemitraan pencarian seperti yang ada sekarang.
Walau ada kerja sama dengan Microsoft, Zuckerberg menolak menjual situs jejaring sosial terbesar itu. "Saya tidak ingin menjual perusahaan, kecuali jika saya masih bisa terus mengontrolnya," kata dia.

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ThE TouRisT-JoLiE & DePP DikaLahkAn NaRniA

                    Jolie & Depp
Jolie & Depp

Film 'The Tourist' yang ditunggu banyak orang karena untuk pertama kalinya menampilkan duet aktor ternama, Angelina Jolie dan Johnny Depp , ternyata tak sedahsyat yang diperkirakan. Film ini kalah bersaing dengan film lainnya.

Seperti diberitakan The Sun , pada pemutaran pekan pertama, 'The Tourist' hanya mampu meraup keuntungan £12 juta atau setara dengan Rp170,5 miliar. Capaian tersebut dikalahkan film 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader' yang meraup keuntungan £19 juta atau setara dengan Rp270,1 miliar. Film ini berada di posisi pertama box office , sedangkan 'The Tourist' hanya mampu berada di peringkat kedua.

Padahal, dana yang dihabiskan untuk membuat film yang mengambil latar belakang kota Venesia, Italia itu mencapai sekitar £63 juta atau setara dengan Rp895,6 miliar. Setelah pemutaran perdananya di Amerika Serikat, film ini juga banyak dikritik. Bahkan, banyak pengamat film memperkirakan 'The Tourist' akan ditarik dari bioskop hanya dalam waktu satu minggu.

Film ini menceritakan tentang agen rahasia wanita, Elise Ward, yang diperankan oleh Jolie.  Ia harus memecahkan kasus kriminal yang dibebankan padanya. Sedangkan Depp berperan sebagai Frank Taylor. Ia adalah turis dari Amerika yang berkunjung ke Italia dan dimanfaatkan oleh Ward untuk memuluskan tugasnya.

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Ok TaeCyeOn MendAftAr WaJiB MiLiteR

                    Ok Taecyeon
Foto: allkpop
Ok Taecyeon 

Salah satu anggota 2PM, Ok Taecyeon secara tidak terduga melepas visa permanen Amerika miliknya dan memilih untuk mendaftar wajib militer di Korea.
Menurut JYP Entertainment, ketegangan yang terjadi di antara dua negara Korea berdampak besar kepada Taecyeon. Penyanyi yang terkenal sebagai beast idol ini akhirnya melepas green card yang bisa melepaskan dirinya dari tugas tersebut.

Banyak fans mengungkapkan rasa hormat mereka terhadap keberanian Taecyeon ini. Support yang besar juga datang dari dunia maya di mana hottest memberi dukungan lewat trend #taecweloveyou yang sempat menjadi trending topik dunia.

'A Permanent Residence Visa' yang dilepas oleh Taecyeon adalah visa yang menyatakan seseorang berhak untuk tinggal di Amerika secara permanen dan ini berbeda dengan kewarganegaraan Amerika. Keinginan untuk mendaftar wajib militer ini sendiri datang dari Taecyeon sendiri.
"Taecyeon menyatakan keinginannya untuk masuk militer. Dia mengumpulkan dokumennya, dan sangat yakin dengan keputusannya," ungkap salah seorang perwakilan JYP Entertainment.

Namun begitu Taecyeon tak akan masuk wajib militer dalam waktu dekat. Saat ini ia masih terlalu muda, ia bakal tetap aktif sebagai seorang aktor dan member 2PM.
"Karena umur Taecyeon saat ini masih muda, dia tidak akan masuk militer dalam waktu dekat. Dia masih akan tetap aktif sebagai aktor dan melanjutkan studinya, jadi kita masih bisa terus melihatnya," tutur perwakilan tersebut.

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JupE DipuJi KetUa FPI DKI JaKartA

                    Julia Perez
Julia Perez
Kritikan dan protes yang dilayangkan Front Pembela Islam (FPI) atas Julia Perez mendapatkan respon positif dari artis yang tampil berani itu. Wanita yang akrab disapa Jupe itu menyatakan siap untuk berbenah diri dan tak lagi 'bugil' sembarangan. Dan tentunya FPI bisa bernafas lega tentang hal itu.
"Saya malah bangga sama Jupe, bukan sama DP (Dewi Perssik), yang menyatakan tobat. Andi Soraya juga," tutur Habib Salim Alatas, Ketua DPD FPI DKI Jakarta, saat ditemui di Polda Metro Jaya, Senin (13/12).
Pernyataan tobat Jupe tersebut datang dari manajer Jupe yang telah menghubungi Habib. "Managernya minta supaya FPI nggak usah permasalahin. Kita minta biar dia taubat dan jangan buka-buka aurat lagi, ya kalau gitu nggak bakal kita masalahin," jelas Habib.
Menurut Habib, melalui manajernya Jupe menegaskan jika ia tak akan lagi 'buka-bukaan' sembarangan. Lantas apa yang mendasari Jupe untuk bersedia melakoni semua itu?
"Kata managernya udah capek kali ya. Managernya yang hubungi saya. Bukan bilang mau pake jilbab, tapi dia mau setidaknya berubah," tutupnya.

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KeMbaLikAn UanG,GeLanDangAn INi JaDi PahLawaN

Bagi sebagian orang, menemukan uang dalam jumlah banyak milik orang merupakan rezeki nomplok. Namun, tidak demikian dengan seorang tuna wisma di Amerika Serikat (AS) berikut ini.
Menemukan uang yang nilainya setara dengan puluhan juta rupiah, gelandangan bernama Dave Tally itu tidak gelap mata. Dia justru mengembalikan uang itu kepada pemiliknya. Kendati tanpa pamrih, niat baik Tally itu mendapat balasan lebih dua kali lipat dari nilai uang yang dia temukan.
Kantor berita Associated Press pada 10 Desember 2010 menuturkan, tunawisma asal Kota Tempe di negara bagian Arizona itu suatu ketika menemukan tas berisikan uang sebesar US$3.300 atau sekitar Rp. 29,7 juta. Tally baru saja sembuh dari kecanduannya terhadap obat-obatan terlarang dan alkohol.
Dia menemukan kantong tas berisi uang tersebut sepulangnya dari membetulkan sepeda. Tanpa pikir panjang, Tally langsung memberikan tas beserta isinya ke sebuah komunitas pelayan tunawisma di Tempe. Lelaki berusia 49 tahun itu tidak mengambil sepeserpun dari uang tersebut, padahal uang di kantongnya telah habis untuk membetulkan sepeda.
Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata gepokan uang di dalam tas tersebut milik Bryan Belanger, seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Arizona yang kehilangan tas ketika hendak membeli mobil bekas. Bersama dengan Stephen Spark, staf komunitas pelayan tunawisma, Tally mengembalikan uang tersebut kepada Belanger. Kisah Tally ini diberitakan oleh radio KTAR yang langsung menjadi pembicaraan seluruh kota.
Atas kejujurannya ini, Tally dipuji sebagai pahlawan para tunawisma karena telah merubah citra mereka yang buruk. Dewan kota Tempe yang tersentuh dengan kejujurannya, membuat rekening untuk sumbangan seluruh kota. Banyak warga yang kagum juga memberikan cek kepadanya yang jumlahnya bahkan melebihi uang yang dia temukan, yaitu senilai US$8.000 (Rp.72 juta). Tidak sedikit dari warga juga menawarkan pekerjaan kepadanya agar Tally dapat mandiri.
Seorang dokter gigi bahkan memberikan perawatan gigi dan memberikan gigi palsu secara gratis kepada Tally. Seorang pengacara menawarkan jasa pro-bono kepadanya untuk menangani kasus-kasus lama yang menimpanya. Walikota Tempe, Hugh Hallman, menjadikan hari ditemukannya uang tersebut sebagai hari Dave Tally.
“Saya tidak menyangka semua berakhir seperti ini. Saya hanya berpikir untuk mengembalikan tas tersebut dan semuanya selesai,” ujar Tally.
Dulunya, Tally adalah seorang pengawas di sebuah perusahaan kontraktor. Dia kehilangan pekerjaannya ketika pada tahun 1999 dia didakwa karena mengendara dalam keadaan mabuk. Karena itu juga dia kehilangan izin mengemudinya. Tally mengaku dia memang pernah kecanduan alkohol dan obat-obatan.
Tally mengatakan akan  menggunakan uang yang dia peroleh dari sumbangan untuk merencanakan hidupnya. Dia mengatakan ingin membuka sebuah pusat pelatihan komputer. Dia juga mengatakan akan memilih pekerjaan yang ditawarkan kepadanya.

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PemeNanG NoBeL ItU TaK TaHu KakAknYa TernYaTa IbunyA

Profesor Sir Paul Nurse, ahli genetika pemenang Hadiah Nobel yang baru saja menjadi presiden Royal Society - sebuah persekutuan beberapa ilmuwan terkemuka dunia, tiga tahun lalu secara kebetulan mengetahui bahwa dia telah tertipu terkait identitas genetiknya yang sesungguhnya.
"Saya selalu tertarik pada genetik saya sendiri karena saya selalu menjadi paling aneh dalam keluarga saya. Tapi meskipun saya seorang ahli, keluarga saya berhasil menjaga rahasia asal-usul genetik saya dari diri saya selama lebih dari setengah abad," katanya, sambil tersenyum kecut. "Mereka yang saya pikir orang tua saya ternyata bukan orang tua saya sama sekali."
Terungkapnya hal itu terjadi ketika Sir Paul, sekarang 61, mengajukan green card ke Amerika Serikat untuk menjadi warga permanen. Saat itu dia telah menetap di Amerika selama tiga tahun dan menjadi Presiden Universitas Rockefeller New York, sehingga ketika permohonannya ditolak dia terkejut. Dia diberitahu ada masalah dengan versi ringkas sertifikat kelahirannya, yang tidak memuat nama orang tuanya. Ia pun mengajukan versi yang lebih lengkap.
"Ketika surat itu tiba sekretaris saya bertanya apakah saya telah membuat kesalahan dengan nama ibu saya. Saya berkata, "Tentu saja tidak." Dia menyerahkannya kepada saya dan untuk beberapa detik berikutnya saya benar-benar kaget."
"Saya melihat bahwa di sebelah kata ibu adalah nama kakak saya Miriam, dan di samping ayah hanya tanda hubung. Saya tidak percaya pada awalnya: saya menduga itu adalah masalah birokrasi."
Dia tidak segera memahami implikasinya sampai istrinya, Anne, menyarankan bahwa mungkin orang tuanya yang sesungguhnya adalah kakek-neneknya.
"Saya tidak bisa menanyai ibu saya tentang hal ini karena ia telah meninggal lama dan kakak saya juga telah meninggal akibat multiple sclerosis. Akhirnya saya menyadari bahwa akte kelahiran menyatakan saya lahir di rumah saudara kakek di Norwich, jadi saya menelepon putrinya, yang mengatakan kepada saya bahwa hal itu benar: wanita yang saya kenal sebagai kakak saya adalah ibu saya dan orang tua saya adalah kakek-nenek saya."
"Tante saya telah bersumpah untuk merahasiakan tentang apa yang telah terjadi. Dia bilang ibu saya hamil di usia 18 pada tahun 1948 dan dijauhkan untuk melahirkan, seperti seseorang di sebuah novel karya Dickens.
"Ibunya bergabung di sana dan kemudian kembali ke rumah keluarga dengan putra barunya. Dia dan kakek saya membesarkan saya sebagai anak untuk menyembunyikan rasa malu yang ditanggung ibu saya."
Duduk di kantor mewah baru di markas Royal Society di Carlton House Terrace di London, Sir Paul jauh dari stereotip akademik. Sikap hangat, mudah didekati, dan antusiasmenya tak terbatas dan tawa yang ditularkannya membuat orang mudah lupa bahwa dia adalah ilmuwan Inggris yang paling penting.
Prestasinya sangat besar: 1996-2002 ia adalah direktur jenderal dari Cancer Research UK, menerima gelar ksatria pada 1999.
Dua tahun kemudian ia berbagi Penghargaan Nobel untuk Fisiologi atau Kedokteran dengan Timothy Hunt dan Leland Hartwell untuk penemuan mereka tentang pembelahan sel. Pada tahun 2003 ia pindah ke Amerika untuk mengambil alih di Rockefeller University, yang resmi ia tinggalkan Maret tahun depan.
Dia juga meluangkan waktu untuk menjalani beberapa hobi berisiko, termasuk uji coba memiloti sebuah biplan yang ia rakit dan mengendarai sepeda motor Kawasaki 500cc. Dia juga mencintai naik gunung.

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JobS ThaAt PaY $100 (or MorE) PeR HouR

Jobs that pay $100 an hour or more aren't easy to come by.

There are two basic types of these high-paying jobs: Those where you get that rate full time, bringing your annual salary to more than $200,000 a year, and those where you only work part time — say five to 20 hours a week. So, you make $100 an hour but your annual salary doesn't make you a high roller.
"Being able to get $100 an hour is rare," said Al Lee, the director of quantitative analysis at . The median hourly wage in the U.S. is $16 an hour, he points out, so earning $100 an hour would be more than six times what the average worker makes.
Lee says the three easiest ways to get a $100 an hour job are: 1) Become a doctor, 2) Become a CEO of a large company (500 employees or more) or 3) Manage other people's money (stock broker, portfolio manager, etc.).
So, most of the time, you're going to need higher education like a medical degree, law degree or at least an MBA. Though, as you'll see, there are a few exceptions on the list for those with special talents in the arts. It's also important to note with most of the jobs, you're not going to earn $100 an hour out of the gate — you'll need to stay in the business for a few years.

Underwater Welder

United States Navy
Actually the technical name is "saturation diver," which means you do deep-water construction like pipe replacement and pipe repair, usually for oil and gas companies.
You can make $900 to $1200 a day, according to the Commercial Diving Academy, working extreme hours (30 days at sea with 12-hour shifts) in extreme conditions — the "saturation" part refers to maxing out your body's capability to handle the pressure of being at depths of 700 feet or more for extended periods of time. Divers are actually brought down to the site in a hyperbolic chamber, explained Dusty Harrison, the placement director at the academy, and live in a pressurized habitat while they're on the dive.

Andrew Olney | Digital Vision | Getty Images
It's not uncommon for doctors to earn $100 an hour or more but one category you might not expect is anesthesiologist. These are the doctors — yes, they are MDs -- who administer anesthetics, the drugs that knock a patient out, during surgery or other medical procedure.
The mean hourly wage is $101.80, according to the Labor Department. The pay is so high because the patient's very life is in their hands: They not only determine how much of anesthetic to administer but also record and monitor the patient's vital signs throughout the surgery.
Those working in doctors' offices typically earn the most, compared to those who work in hospitals, out-patient clinics or universities. The states with the best chances of earning over $100 an hour are Arizona and Tennessee. The outlook for this profession is good, due to a growing population and growing health-care needs.

Commercial Pilot

Getty Images
The top 10 percent of commercial pilots earn an average of $120 an hour, according to However, this is one of those cases where most pilots don't have high annual salary because that's the rate for flight hours and they're not in the air 40 hours a week. FAA regulations limit flying time to a max of 100 hours a month or 1,000 hours a year.
A lot of pilots learn to fly in the military but an increasing number have college degrees and training from an FAA-certified flight school, according to the Labor Department. The best opportunities are with commercial airlines but many require 4,000 flight hours before they'll hire you.
Getting to travel is a perk but it can be grueling: Pilots spend, on average, 360 hours a month away from their home base, according to the Airline Pilots Association . Plus, the work can be dangerous — not just the risk of a crash but risk of hearing loss.

Tattoo Artist

Glowimages | Getty Images
The top 10 percent of tattoo artists earn on average $130 an hour but, like pilots, they're not working 40 hours a week at that rate. They usually negotiate a price per tattoo with the client.
There are some tattoo schools but in general, there are no education requirements, rather most tattoo artists learn via an apprenticeship with an experienced tattoo artist, which may be paid or unpaid. Working for a shop is a good way to get experience and build clients but the top earners tend to be self-employed. Most shops also offer piercing and some sell clothing as way to supplement income.

Frances Twitty | Istock Exclusive | Getty Images
Arbitrators are legal professionals who help settle disputes outside of court, a quicker and cheaper resolution, though make no mistake — arbitrators still make a good buck. PayScale estimates that the top 10 percent earn $130 on average.
Arbitrators tend to be attorneys or business professionals with special expertise, though they are a neutral party in the dispute.
There is no standard requirement for being an arbitrator — this varies by state. Most arbitrators go to law school or have a masters' degree in public policy, law or other field. Many also go through a special mediation-training program which is 40 to 60 hours. Currently, only five states — Florida, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia — have certification programs. The Navy also certifies mediators.
The job outlook for arbitrators is expected to be above average in the next decade as individuals and corporations increasingly try to stay out of court.

Braces! Tons of kids need them and orthodontists make top dollar straightening out those teeth. The mean hourly wage is $99.13 an hour, according to the Labor Department, which means probably half of the profession earns $100 or more an hour. The highest-paying states for orthodontists are Alabama, Oregon and Oklahoma, the department reports.
Becoming an orthodontist requires 2-3 years of specialized education beyond dental school, according to the American Association of Orthodontists.
Freelance Photographer

David Malan | Photographer's Choice | Getty Images
Most freelance photographers earn $13 to $50 an hour but the top 10 percent, on average, earn $100 an hour, according to PayScale.
Commercial photographers and those who specialize in graphic art and design tend to be among the highest paid. Geographically, the highest rates are in New York and Boston. And most don't get close to that $100 mark until they've had 5 to 10 years experience. Most, of course, don't get health or retirement benefits which can eat into that $100 an hour paycheck.

Interior Designer

Getty Images
The top 10 percent of interior designers earn, on average, $100 an hour, according to PayScale. Those who can provide architectural, engineering and other specialized services in addition to design tend to earn top dollar.
Most firms require a bachelor's degree and some states license interior designers, though there are many interior designers who don't have a degree. The key is to have a good eye for design — and be able give clients a space they like and that meets their needs.
Demand is expected to be strong over the next decade as more people discover the benefits of hiring a designer for remodeling projects but competition for the jobs is expected to be tough, according to the Labor Department. The highest salaries are in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Arlington, Va., San Jose, Calif., Los Angeles and New York, according to Simply Hired.
Hand Model

Andrew Unangst | Photographer's Choice | Getty Images
"Parts" models as they're called in the biz, may be selected for their extraordinary hands, feet, torso or other body parts to model "everything from diapers to diamonds" as one hand model told Katie Couric. They tend to earn about $100 an hour, according to Job Monkey.
One of the downsides is that parts models have to take extra good care of the part that brings home the bacon. One hand model said she moisturizes 25 to 30 times a day and wears gloves every day. Of course, you can't wash dishes, clean, garden or do other tasks that jeopardize your part with something like — gasp! — a paper cut. And then, there comes a time when you need to think about insuring your part. Remember that time we learned that Heidi Klum's legs are insured for more than $2 million? Internet has it that one is worth less than the other because of imperfections!

Life Coach

David Buffington | Digital Vision | Getty Images
Being a "life coach" is a relatively new profession. It's part therapist, part career coach and designed to help people "bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be in their profession and their personal life," according to the Institute for Life Coach Training, which likens it to how a coach trains an athlete to "win the gold medal not just be in the race."
Life coaches on average earn $100 to $150 an hour, according to the International Coaching Federation. Executive and corporate coaches tend to earn the most.
Life coaches are often certified therapists (master's degree or doctorate plus certification) and then take special life-coach training like the ILCT's 40-hour training program. Most — particularly the top earners — are self-employed.

Massage Therapist

FEV Create Inc. | Photodisc | Getty Images
Massage therapists can make $100 an hour or more, according to the American Massage Therapy Association , though you probably won't make that in a spa — the highest earners are in private practice. The average is $45 an hour. Geographically, the potential for earning that $100+ an hour is highest in big cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
Massage therapists have to graduate from a 500-hour training program through a massage school in order to be certified, according to the American Massage Therapy Association.
The job outlook is strong with a lot of growth potential as more people are starting to realize the health benefits of massage — not just the relaxation benefits. Hospitals are increasingly using massage therapy for pain management, cancer-related fatigue, pregnancy and physical therapy as well as for preventative measures like boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure, according to the AMTA.

Political Speechwriter
The informal consensus is that political speechwriters earn $100 an hour, according to "Career Opportunities in Writing," a book by Allan Taylor, James Robert Parish and Brad Schreiber.
Of course, you won't earn that right away — you probably have to log several years in a congressman's office or other political office. And, most speechwriters charge by the speech, assuming it will take about 30 hours at $100 an hour. An undergraduate degree in communications, English, journalism or liberal arts is usually standard.

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BeiJinG ArcHiteCt LiveS in eGg-sHapEd House on SiDewaLk


Inside the Beijing Egg House

Dai Haifei, a 24-year-old architect in Beijing, China, found an ingenious solution to live rent-free. He built himself a mobile egg-shaped house that is powered by the sun.  The 6-foot-high structure, which is small enough to fit on a sidewalk, is made of bamboo strips, wood chippings, sack bags, and grass seed that’s expected to grow in the spring.
The pod features a solar panel on the roof that powers a lamp in the cozy space. The house cost around $1,000 to build (6427 yen), according to China Daily.
It seems Haifei has taken the trend of living in tiny spaces to a whole new level.

Inside the Beijing Egg House

Just room enough for a bed.
Dai Haifei, a 24-year-old architect in Beijing, China, found an ingenious solution to live rent-free. He built himself a mobile egg-shaped house that is powered by the sun.  The 6-foot-high structure, which is small enough to fit on a sidewalk, is made of bamboo strips, wood chippings, sack bags, and grass seed that’s expected to grow in the spring.
The pod features a solar panel on the roof that powers a lamp in the cozy space. The house cost around $1,000 to build (6427 yen), according to China Daily.
It seems Haifei has taken the trend of living in tiny spaces to a whole new level.

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WorsT FoODS iN AmEriCa, 2010

When we published our first edition of Eat This, Not That: Worst Foods in America back in 2007, we made a lot of restaurant chains very unhappy. But we also made a lot of their attorneys really, really happy, as they soon began earning massive legal fees sending us saber-rattling correspondences on behalf of the food marketers they represented.

As 2010 draws to a close, it's time for another walk down the Hall of Restaurant Shame. And we’re sorry to say that, despite the fact that more than 6 million Americans have begun using Eat This, Not That! as their weapon of choice against bad-for-you food and the restaurants that proffer it, the restaurants themselves still haven’t gotten the message. This year brought perhaps the craziest, most calorically damaging menu items we've ever seen. In fact, you should not attempt to eat a single thing on this list unless you are sharing it with at least three other people—because each of these “individual servings” include a full day (or more) worth of calories. (You can see our complete—and completely shocking—list of The 20 Worst Foods of 2010 here.)

Oh, and P.S.: Hey, restaurant attorneys. Merry Christmas!

 ComboWorst Chinese Entrée
PF Chang’s Double Pan-Fried Noodles Combo (served with beef, pork, chicken, and shrimp)
1,820 calories
84 g fat (8 g saturated)
7,692 mg sodium

The human body needs about 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day to function properly. Anything beyond that could be unnecessary, and possibly put your health at risk. And sure, Chinese food is notorious for its high salt content, but few dishes we’ve seen come anywhere close to this number. It packs enough of the white stuff to meet your body’s needs for an entire week! And the rest of PF Chang’s menu isn’t much better. Stick with the Hong Kong Beef and plan to avoid the saltshaker for the next couple meals. (Or pick up the new Cook This, Not That! Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals and save money and time while losing weight faster than ever.)

Eat This Instead!
Hong Kong Beef with Snow Peas
620 calories
28 g fat (6 g saturated)
1,852 mg sodium
Bonus Tip: Hidden salt bombs are everywhere. Don’t miss this indispensible slideshow of The 30 Saltiest Foods in America.

BF Steak NachosWorst Mexican Entrée
Baja Fresh Charbroiled Steak Nachos
2,120 calories
118 g fat (44 g saturated, 4.5 g trans)
2,990 mg sodium

If the full day of calories in this entree doesn’t ruin any of your weight-loss goals, then the 2 days of saturated fat almost certainly will. But if all that saturated fat doesn’t wipe out your waistline, then the 2 days of trans fat surely will. If the trans fat doesn’t wreak total havoc  . . . you get the point. Fact is, you could eat eight steak tacos and still take in fewer calories than what’s found in this plate of cheesy chips. Stick to two tacos and save nearly half a pound of body fat in one sitting. 

Eat This Instead!
2 Original Baja Steak Tacos
460 calories
16 g fat (4 g saturated, 0 g trans)
520 mg sodium 
Bonus Tip:  Hungry for more hard-hitting nutrition facts, findings, and advice delivered to your inbox every day? Sign up for the free Eat This, Not That! newsletter, or simply follow me right here on Twitter! You'll get insights like: The word "muffin" was invented so people wouldn't feel guilty about eating cake for breakfast.)
Unos Deep Dish
Worst Pizza
Uno Chicago Grill’s Chicago Classic Deep Dish Pizza (individual size)
2,310 calories
165 g fat (54 g saturated)
4,920 mg sodium

Congratulations, Uno! You lose! Again! In all the years we’ve been putting this annual list together, this caloric calamity has never budged—it's the worst pizza, year after year. There's simply no competition for this crusty, cheesy nightmare. With a day’s worth of calories, more than 2 days’ worth of sodium, and nearly 3 days’ worth of fat, they should call it the Classic Deep Doo-Doo pizza. Because that's where your diet will be if you eat it.
Eat This Instead!Cheese & Tomato Thin Crust Pizza (1/2 pizza)
420 calories
16.5 g fat (7.5 g saturated)
885 mg sodium 

IHOP Big CountryWorst Breakfast
IHOP Big Country Breakfast with Chicken Fried Steak & Country Gravy
2,440 calories
145 g fat (56 g saturated)
210 g carbohydrates
5,520 mg sodium

Here’s the anatomy of a breakfast disaster: Take a 12-ounce steak, bread it, fry it, and then cover it with gravy. Then, on the side, drop three eggs and three buttermilk pancakes. Does it not occur to IHOP that this is actually three full meals that would weigh in at more than 800 calories apiece?

Eat This Instead!
Simple & Fit Turkey Bacon Omlette
420 calories
21 g fat (10 g saturated)
730 mg sodium
24 g carbohydrates
Bonus Tip: Remember the old saying "Milk: not just for breakfast anymore." Well, here are 20 foods that shouldn't be for breakfast, period. Check out this eye-popping list of the Worst Breakfasts in America!

CF Bistro ShrimpThe Worst Food in America
Cheesecake Factory’s Bistro Shrimp Pasta
2,730 calories
78 g saturated fat
919 mg sodium
141 g carbohydrates

No restaurant chain exemplifies America's portion problem more than Cheesecake Factory, where the average sandwich contains nearly 1,400 calories—more than three full meals. But the Factory doesn't stop at elephantine portion sizes; combine that with heavy-handed application of cheap cooking fats and the result are dishes like the 2,580-calorie Chicken and Biscuits and the 2,460-calorie French Toast Napoleon. However, it’s this relatively healthy-sounding plate of shrimp pasta that earns this year's Worst Food in America crown from Eat This, Not That!, delivering to your system more saturated fat than you’d find in three packages of Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon and as many carbs as you’d slurp down from 1½ cases of Amstel Light. Gross.

Eat This Instead!
Fresh Grilled Mahi Mahi
240 calories
1 g saturated fat
364 mg sodium
2 g carbohydrates

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